As a Royaleplace guest, you consent to cover in full any damages that you or your invitees cause during a booking. Any occurrences during a booking will be settled through the Royaleplace Dispute Resolution measure, as settled upon in the booking terms of the Royaleplace Services Agreement.
While your host might charge a cleaning expense and is liable for fundamental upkeep and evacuation of rubbish, you are urged to clean up and be conscious of the space and individual effects during the booking.
Hosts will report any damages, alongside pertinent documentation, to the Royaleplace group within 3 days of the booking. We will then, at that point, tell you of the looming charge.
In the event that a host is endeavoring to charge you for harms that you or somebody who was essential for your booking didn’t cause, kindly let us know and incorporate all pertinent documentation, like electronic interchanges and photographs.